Итальянская художница Элизабетта Рогаи пишет картины вином
Вино вдохновляет, расширяет сосуды, проясняет сознание
En imágenes: Impresionantes retratos realizados con vino
¿Te imaginas utilizar un poco de vino para realizar un retrato? Pues Elisabetta Rogai una artista italiana en vez de usar óleos selecciona diferentes vinos para ejecutar sus obras de arte. NOTICIAS24
Stunning Portraits Painted With Red & White Wine
Wow, these paintings are spectacular. I would never guess that they were made using wine as the paint. We’ve written about beer used as paint, and cork from wine bottles used to make portraits, so I suppose it’s about time
They’re grape works of art: Italian painter uses wine to create stunning pictures… which mature with age
It's not unknown for artists to turn to drink as they struggle with the creative process. But one Italian painter has given that a entirely new meaning. Elisabetta Rogai uses only white and red wine, with no other chemical additives, to
Talianka maľuje vínne portréty, ktoré dozrievajú časom
Víno sa v priebehu storočí stalo zdrojom inšpirácie mnohých známych umelcov. Talianska maliarka Elisabetta Rogai však preniesla vzťah medzi Dionýzovým nápojom a výtvarným umením na úplne novú úroveň – z vína si urobila materiál na maľovanie. WEBNOVINY
Elle peint des tableaux avec du vin
Une artiste italienne utilise du vin pour peindre ses tableaux. SEBASTIEN COURTIN JENTSIDE
Paintings in Wine
Elisabetta Rogai isn't the first painter to use wine, but she may be the first to make it work. The challenge is that the color of wine changes over time, sometimes in unplanned and unpleasant ways. But Rogai found that
Talented Italian Artist Paints with Wine
Wine has been the inspiration of many famous painters throughout the centuries, but Florentine artist Elisabetta Rogai is taking the relationship between the drink of Dionysus and art to a whole new level, by using wine as paint. ODDITYCENTRAL