Vino, arte e pecorino
Vino, arte… e pecorino: grazie alla collaborazione con l’imprenditore Paolo Piacenti, alcuni dipinti “wine-made” di Elisabetta Rogai, realizzati usando il vino al posto dei tradizionali colori, sono stati scelti per impreziosire le etichette di formaggi pecorini. Il debutto ufficiale dei formaggi
L’arte è nel bicchiere
Dipingere con il vino: una sfida che avrebbe entusiasmato perfino Leonardo da Vinci, sempre così incline a sperimentare con colori e pennelli. L’idea è venuta alla pittrice fiorentina Elisabetta Rogai: “Ero a tavola con amici e qualcuno versò un bicchiere
セントラルのヒルサイドエスカレーター沿いにあるギャラリー「Art Supermarket」(G/F,1 Prince's Terrace Mid Levels)に現在、絵の具代わりにワインのみで描くヨーロッパのアーティスト、エリザベッタ・ロガイさんの作品が展示されている。
Elisabetta Rogai brings fresh Côtes of paint to canvas at Art Supermarket
It seems some artists were meant for Hong Kong. Florentine painter Elisabetta Rogai is one such artist. The city is in the throes of the Arts Festival, but one thing it is crazier about is the pleasures of the grape. CHARLEY
Something new: artistically licensed
We've seen how food can be turned into art, with New Zealand artist Maurice Bennett's recreation of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa - which hangs in the K11 mall in Tsim Sha Tsui - made entirely from toast, for example.
Картины вином Элизабетты Рогаи (Elisabetta Rogai).
В Италии, как и во всем мире, проживает множество творческих людей, создающих изо дня в день все новые и новые шедевры, которые, возможно, когда-то попадут в историю. Ничего не отличает от этой массы и итальянскую художницу Элизабетту Рогаи (Elisabetta Rogai)…
Итальянская художница Элизабетта Рогаи пишет картины вином
Вино вдохновляет, расширяет сосуды, проясняет сознание
En imágenes: Impresionantes retratos realizados con vino
¿Te imaginas utilizar un poco de vino para realizar un retrato? Pues Elisabetta Rogai una artista italiana en vez de usar óleos selecciona diferentes vinos para ejecutar sus obras de arte. NOTICIAS24
Stunning Portraits Painted With Red & White Wine
Wow, these paintings are spectacular. I would never guess that they were made using wine as the paint. We’ve written about beer used as paint, and cork from wine bottles used to make portraits, so I suppose it’s about time